Thursday, May 1, 2008

Baby Jensen's First Photo

Big news! There will be a new addition to our family by the end of the year! The official due date is December 18, but the baby will most likely be born around the 21st of November. So, we'll have a turkey baby ( a week before Thanksgiving). We are so excited!!! I'm feeling pretty good so far and I'm crossing my fingers that it will stay that way. I'm seven weeks now, so only about 29 weeks left to go (since the baby will be delivered four weeks early). So the countdown to Baby Jensen #3 begins...

By the way, the little white blob in the picture that I've circled in red is the baby. We saw the heartbeat today :-)


JoyLyn said...

WOW! CONGRATULATIONS!! That is so exciting!

Bigwood Family said...

Hey Congrats! I am so excited for you and your family. Dylan is going to be a good big brother.

November 21st is a good day. That is Emilie's birthday. THat would be so awesome if you had it that day.