We had a very scary experience Saturday morning. Dylan woke up as usual at about 6:50 and Spencer got him out of bed and brought him into bed with us. We usually have him lie in bed with us for a bit before we actually get up. I noticed right away that he felt hot. His head and back and stomach were really warm. I mentioned it to Spencer but he was still kind of half asleep. Then, about ten or fifteen minutes later, Dylan started shaking. I looked at him and his eyes were rolled back in his head and I knew he was having a seizure. I told Spencer and he held him while I called 911. The seizure probably only lasted a couple minutes but it seemed like forever. We were scared because he wasn't breathing very well and his lips were turning blue. Spencer gave him a Father's Blessing while he was having the seizure. Finally, it ended and he was suddenly really tired and confused.
A policeman came to our door really soon after it was over and then an ambulance came. They checked him and said that we needed to take him to the hospital to have the doctor do tests since this was the first seizure he's ever had. Dylan was not happy about being strapped into the carseat they had attached to the stretcher, but after I got into the ambulance with him, he calmed down a bit. I told him we were riding in a firetruck (he calls ambulances firetrucks too). He seemed to think that was cool. The nice EMT was trying to distract him and he said, "Dylan, do you like balloons?" Dylan said, "Hmmm" which is his way of saying "yes." So the EMT blew up a rubber glove like a balloon but it scared Dylan and he started crying again. Poor EMT was just trying to help but I think Dylan was scared it was going to pop.
We got to the hospital and they had to take his blood to run a bunch of tests. They didn't get enough blood the first time, so they had to poke him twice. Then they had to put a catheter in him to get a urine sample. It was horrible! I felt so bad having to help hold him down while they hurt him! It gave me just a taste of empathy for parents who have chronically ill kids who have to watch that happen over and over to their precious babies. I felt so helpless. It also made me realize how difficult it must be for Heavenly Father to watch us go through physical and emotional pains but knowing it is for our good in the long run.
In the end, they decided it was most likely a seizure caused by his fever, which was most likely caused by a virus, and sent us home. My parents and Natalie and Luke came up to see us that afternoon and my dad and Luke helped Spencer give Dylan a blessing. Before the blessing, Dylan was feeling sick with the virus and he was crying and couldn't sit still. He wouldn't eat and he wouldn't even let my mom hold him, which is very unusual. Almost immediately after the blessing, he ate his lunch and even started running around a bit and playing with his toys. It was truly a miracle.
So, even though that was one of the most horrible experiences of my life. It also humbled me and made me realize how much the Lord loves me and is looking out for my little family. I am so grateful for the fact that Dylan was in our bed when he had the seizure so we were there to realize what was going on and comfort him when it was over. I am grateful for the EMT's and the 911 operator and the doctor who helped us. I'm grateful for the peace of having the great medical technology we've been blessed with. I'm grateful for the Priesthood and that Spencer is worthy to adminster blessings to our family. Lastly, I'm so grateful for Dylan. He has such a sweet personality and he gives his love and forgiveness so freely. I'm grateful that he is ok and that I have to opportunity to be his mother and this experience has made me realize that I should not take any moment I have with him for granted.
What a scary experience! I am glad everything worked out and that Dylan is Okay. I hope he gets feeling better. We truly are blessed to have the priesthood in our homes, I too am grateful for it.
I am glad to hear that he is doing better. Let me know if you need anything.
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